LUXY HAIR— Art Direction, Design, Set Styling

With Bride’s being Luxy Hair’s highest converting demographic, in tandem with a massive wedding boom in the 2020’s, it was only right to create a “special something” for wedding season. We believe love is a collection of little days that lead to your big day. Being a bride isn’t just about the the union between two individuals, but an unsaid tradition between friends, food, culture and clothing. Through our product placement and styling, we developed an intimate relationship between the Luxy Bride and their bridal products.

I drew inspiration from all things wedding - from the East back to the West. For our digital assets, I wanted it to feel like the “Event of the Year” which all Luxy customers and future customers could attend - with ivory-linen, intricate details and a tactical feel.

I conducted tons of research around the various traditions which highlight weddings in cultures in various parts of the world. I pinpointed three cultures and highlighted their significance in the Art Direction of the photoshoot, from the red tea cups at a Chinese tea ceremony, to bangles, henna and an embroidered head veil from South Asia - and the grandeur of it all. I brought a new spin to the interpretation of Bridal products in the West, and gave a new life to traditional bridal accessories for everyone during wedding season, anywhere.